Rules for staying at the George Hotel

These rules establish the procedure for booking, checking in, staying and providing hotel services on the territory of the hotel “George” – OOO “Deniskinn”

Procedure for providing and paying for a room:

  1. A room in the hotel is provided upon presentation of an identity document, as well as other documents required for registration of a citizen in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Such documents are:
    • For a citizen of the Russian Federation – a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for a person permanently residing outside the Russian Federation)
    • For a foreign citizen – a passport of a foreign citizen, a visa (if necessary), a migration card
    • For a stateless person – a document issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a stateless person (passport of a stateless person), a temporary residence permit for a stateless person or a residence permit for a stateless person
    • For guests under 14 years of age – a birth certificate, identity documents of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians) or accompanying close relatives who have a document certifying their authority
    • For guests who have reached the age of 14, but have not reached the age of 18 – a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and written permission from one of the parents confirming the placement of a teenager

Payment for accommodation and hotel services is made at free (contractual) prices approved by the management of OOO “Deniskinn” and is charged in accordance with a single check-out time. For stays of less than a day (24 hours), payment is charged per day regardless of the check-in and check-out time. Check-in time: 14:00, check-out time: 12:00.

  • In case of a guest’s delayed check-out after the established check-out time, payment for accommodation is charged as follows:
    o from 12:00 to 18:00 – 50% of the room rate per day
    o from 18:00 to 12:00 the next day – 100% of the room rate per day
  • All payments are made in rubles. The following cards are accepted for payment: VISA, VISA Electron, Mastercard, MIR
  • No payment is charged for the accommodation of children under 5 years of age in family accommodation without a bed.
  • After 23.00 for the presence of guests not staying in the room, a fee is charged at the rate of the cost of an extra bed per 1 guest
  • When checking into the hotel, the guest fills out the “Guest Questionnaire”.
  • In case of late cancellation of the reservation (less than 24 hours), late arrival or no-show of the guest, he or the customer is charged for the actual downtime of the room in the amount of the cost of the room per day. If the delay is more than 24 hours, the reservation is canceled.

Hotel Accommodation Rules:

  1. Guests must adhere to the following rules:
    • take good care of the hotel property and equipment
    • maintain cleanliness and maintain order
    • in case of loss or damage to hotel property, compensate for the cost of damage in accordance with the current price list
    • strictly adhere to fire safety rules
    • when leaving the room, close the water taps, windows, turn off the lights, TV, electrical appliances, close the room and return the key
    • in case of accommodation with a pet – read and sign the document “Rules for accommodation with animals”
  2. The hotel prohibits:
    • smoking throughout the hotel, including in the rooms (in accordance with Federal Law No. 15-FZ dated 23.02.13). In case of violation of this obligation, the hotel reserves the right to contact law enforcement agencies to bring the guest to administrative responsibility for smoking in unauthorized places. In this case, if the hotel is brought to administrative responsibility as a result of the above-mentioned violation by the guest (and/or persons invited by him) of the established ban on smoking tobacco on the hotel premises, the hotel reserves the right to demand from the above-mentioned guest compensation in the amount of the fine presented to the hotel by the competent state authorities (the guest hereby confirms that he also knows that smoking in the room will entail the need for the guest to compensate for damages in the form of costs for additional special cleaning of the room (long-term ventilation, use of odor absorbers, washing of curtains, tulle, textiles) in the amount of 5,000 rubles). •
    • disturb the peace of guests from 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
    • leave strangers in the room, as well as give them the room key
    • store bulky items, flammable materials, weapons
    • use an electric kettle and electric stove
    • rearrange furniture in the room only with the consent of the hotel administrator
  3. In case of damage to the hotel, the guest bears financial responsibility
  4. The hotel is responsible for the loss, shortage or damage of guests’ things brought into the hotel, with the exception of money, other currency valuables, securities and other valuables. An item entrusted to hotel employees or an item placed in a hotel room or other designated place is considered brought into the hotel. The hotel is responsible for the loss of money, other currency valuables, securities and other valuables of guests, provided that they were accepted by the hotel for safekeeping or were placed by the guest in an individual safe provided by the hotel, regardless of whether this safe is located in his room or in another room of the hotel. The hotel is released from liability for failure to preserve the contents of such a safe if it proves that, according to the storage conditions, access to the safe without the guest’s knowledge was impossible or became possible due to force majeure. A guest who discovers the loss, shortage or damage of his things is obliged to immediately notify the hotel administration about it. Otherwise, the hotel is exempt from liability for failure to preserve items
  5. The hotel is not liable in the event of force majeure circumstances that result in hotel guests being left without power supply, water supply, or water consumption. In this case, the hotel is obliged to take measures to ensure that the hotel has electricity and water consumption as far as possible
  6. In the event that forgotten items are discovered, the administration takes measures to return them to their owners. Items forgotten by guests are stored at the hotel for 6 months
    • Food products with opened packaging are not subject to long-term storage and are subject to disposal
    • Unused personal items are registered in a log and stored for 1 week. Used personal items are not subject to long-term storage and are subject to disposal
    • Personal cosmetics in closed packaging are subject to storage for 1 week. Opened personal cosmetics are not subject to storage
  7. The hotel staff and guests must remain quiet and be mutually polite.
  8. In case of violation of these rules by the Guest, the hotel administration may make a remark to the violator in order to restore peace and quiet to other guests. If the guest repeatedly violates the internal rules of stay at the hotel and does not respond to the demands of the administration and/or law enforcement officers, which leads to material losses or creates inconvenience for the stay of other guests, the hotel has the right to refuse to provide services to the guest and evict him from the hotel.
  9. When leaving the hotel, the guest must make a full payment for the services provided and hand over the key to the room
  10. The book of reviews and suggestions is with the administrator and is issued upon the first request. Applications and complaints are accepted by the hotel in writing and are considered within the established timeframes